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Welcome to Xingzhi, your premier destination for top-notch metal wire mesh solutions. As a leading metal wire mesh manufacturer, we take pride in our state-of-the-art factory, dedicated to producing high-quality metal wire mesh products that meet the diverse needs of our clients. With a commitment to excellence, we stand as a trusted metal wire mesh supplier, offering a wide range of options for industrial and commercial applications. Explore our extensive catalog and experience the superior craftsmanship, durability, and reliability that sets us apart. Choose Xingzhi for unmatched quality from a renowned metal wire mesh factory.



Anping County Xingzhi Metal Wiremesh Products Co., Ltd

Renamed from the 1996-formed Xingzhi Metal Wiremesh Products Factory, Anping County Xingzhi Metal Wiremesh Products Co., Ltd was founded in 2014. Our business is situated in the Chinese province of Hebei, in Anping country. It is the birthplace of wire mesh products and is close to Beijing and Tianjin. Approximately 70% of the world's output of metal wire and metal wire mesh goods is exported from this location.


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We-Anping Xingzhi Metal Wire Mesh Products Co., Ltd is de liedende fabrikant mei in protte produsearjen en eksportearjen fan ûnderfiningen yn soarten gaas- en hekprodukten yn Sina. Us produkten binne ferkocht oan mear as 80 lannen en regio's yn Jeropa, Amearika, Afrika , Oseaanje, Midden-Easten en Azië, ensfh.

As jo ynteressearre binne yn ús produkten, kinne jo kieze in ferlitte jo ynformaasje hjir, en wy sille yn kontakt mei jo koart.
